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  CEO of Messer Group Visit Hunan

On May 17, 2012, at the invitation by the Committee of the Central China Trade Fair, Mr. Stefan Messer came to Changsha. As the VIP guest, the Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Mr. Mei Ke Bao hosted a banquet to Mr. Stefan Messer and other guests, who were also invited to the Fair. At the banquet, Mr. Mei Ke Bao said zestfully to Mr. Messer:We have the same family name.. 


6 years ago in autumn of 2006, it was the first time for Mr. Messer to be invited to the Central China Trade Fair in Changsha. 6 years past when he came to Changsha again, he was impressed by the great changes happened in the city. He asked the retinue:Is this the city I have ever been to?”. During the past 6 years with the rapid economic development of Hunan Province, the business of Messer Group in Hunan was expanded quickly. From 2006 till now, the total investment of Messer in Hunan Province has increased by 2.4 times, the production capacity expanded by 3 times. The production capacity of the industrial gases has lifted from 40000M3/h in 2006 to 170000m3/h at present. In the next step, taking the opportunity of the industrial shift in Hunan, Messer plans to expand his business fields in Hunan market.


After the Central China Trade Fair, at Mr. Cao Hui Quan’s invitation, Mr. Stefan Messer visited the Headquarter of Hunan Valin Group in Changsha. After that, he also visited Lugu Park, which is situated at the national high-teck development zoon and met with the leaders of the Park on the details of establishing a subsidiary in Lugu Park.


On May 19, Mr. Stefan Messer ended his visit to Hunan with pleasure and left for Guangzhou.     



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