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  Quality and safety

Commitment of Work Safety

For us, worksite safety is an important objective of the Company. Only when the Company is staffed by healthy and enterprising employees will it be able to achieve the Company long-term success. Therefore, our objective is to prevent the occurrences of major work stoppages, accidents and work-related diseases. This is not only for the purpose of avoiding economic losses, it also involves the legal stipulations and ethical codes.

In order to reach this grand objective, besides the stipulation of rules and regulations, we should also take a multitude of measures. It is only with the participations of all employees that our preventive measures stipulated in response to worksite safety can really play their roles.

Our actions shall be conducted under the specific, concrete and measurable conditions. This would require each participant to assume their personal responsibilities and be actively involved. In order to establish an outstanding example, we shall first start from ourselves, and clearly pledge to abide by the following statements. We require our employees assess our behaviors on this standard; meanwhile, it is also required that the employees shall provide us with support during the process of mutual realization.

Quality certificate

 Pharmaceutical GMP certificate                                           ISO9001 certificate





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